Product Detail

Product Details

CB12 Safe Breath Oral Rinse Mild 250ml

The patented formula has a unique composition that neutralises and prevents the substances that cause bad breath

The composition, that has been researched at Oslo University, is unique for the CB12 products

CB12 has long-lasting effect

CB12 is effective for 12 hours and this is possible due to a chemical binding to the tissue in the oral cavity. This oral care agent has been developed, and its effect evaluated and documented, using a specially designed gas chromatograph (a specifically developed instrument that can detect the substance of sulphur gases), only a few of which are available worldwide.

CB12 contains fluoride

Many people like to rinse with CB12 directly after brushing their teeth, which is why we have added 0.05% sodium fluoride as a preventative measure. Daily rinsing with fluoride has a well documented effect against caries and is a very good complement to fluoride toothpaste.

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