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Uniroid HC Suppositories 12 Pack

Uniroid-HC is a versatile treatment for haemorrhoids. It is favoured by sufferers of chronic piles due to its dual-action effects - pain relief and anti-inflammatory.

This treatment is available in two forms; ointment or suppositories. The ointment is generally prescribed for external piles (however, it can be applied to internal piles with the included applicator). The suppositories are prescribed to treat internal piles.

You can buy Uniroid-HC online in both forms from HealthExpress. To begin the order process, click ‘Express Checkout’.

How does it work?

Haemorrhoids can cause very uncomfortable symptoms such as:

  • itching
  • pain
  • discharge
  • bleeding

Uniroid-HC contains cinchocaine hydrochloride and hydrocortisone. These are two active ingredients that alleviate the above symptoms.

  • cinchocaine hydrochloride - this is a local anaesthetic that will temporarily numb the area it is applied to, providing immediate relief from pain and itching
  • hydrocortisone - a corticosteroid that reduces inflammation, which is the main cause of symptoms

Uniroid-HC is a short-term treatment that should not be used for more than seven days to avoid increasing your risk of developing serious side effects.

Whether you purchase the cream or suppositories, you should always wash your hands before using Uniroid, and you should ensure that the anus area is clean. Dry the area completely by patting so as not to aggravate the haemorrhoids further.

For external haemorrhoids:

  • squeeze a pea size amount onto your finger
  • spread gently over the skin
  • do not rub the ointment in
  • do not use tissue to apply Uniroid-HC ointment

For internal haemorrhoids*:

*You will have to use the applicator for internal piles.

  • clean the applicator with warm soapy water before each use
  • screw the nozzle on to the tube
  • fill the nozzle with the ointment
  • this is the correct dosage for one application
  • insert the nozzle into the anus slowly - the whole nozzle should be inside
  • squeeze the tube gently
  • withdraw the nozzle
  • wash nozzle thoroughly ready for next use

As a rule of thumb, Uniroid-HC ointment should be applied twice daily (once in the morning, once in the evening) and once after every bowel movement.

If your symptoms are very severe, you can use the ointment 3-4 times on the first day.