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Product Details

Preparation H Ointment 25g

Preparation H Ointment is a rich formula that is quickly absorbed to moisturize, lubricate and hydrate the anal area and soothe itching.

What is Preparation H Haemorrhoid Ointment?

Preparation H Haemorrhoid ointment is a treatment used to relieve the symptoms of haemorrhoids (piles) by helping to shrink tissues that have been swollen by inflammation. Preparation H Haemorrhoid ointment also acts as a lubricant to help ease painful bowel movements.

What are Haemorrhoids (piles)?

Haemorrhoids (commonly known as piles) are swellings containing enlarged blood vessels that are located in or around your anal/rectal area. In most cases, haemorrhoids don’t cause any symptoms and some people may not even realise that they have them. However, symptoms that can be caused by haemorrhoids include:

  • Bleeding after passing a stool (poo)
  • An itchy or painful anus (bottom)
  • Still feeling like you need to pass a stool after going to the toilet.
  • Lumps and swelling around the anus
  • Mucus discharge after passing a stool

How does Preparation H Haemorrhoid Ointment help to treat piles?

Preparation H Haemorrhoid Ointment helps to treat symptoms of haemorrhoids by:

  • Soothing itching
  • Relieving pain around the anus
  • Reducing soreness and swelling
  • Lubricating the anorectal area (bottom) to help ease painful bowel movements