Product Detail

Product Details

Kalms Day - 168 Tablet's

Kalms Day 26 mg contains Valerian Root Extract. It is a traditional herbal medicinal product used for the temporary relief of; Symptoms associated with stress such as mild anxiety, based on traditional use only.

What should you need to know before taking Kalms Day?

Do not take Kalms Day if you are:

  • Allergic to any of the ingredients of this Medicine.
  • If you are Pregnant or Breastfeeding.
  • If you are under 18 years old.
  • Already taking a medicine for stress or anxiety.
  • Taking a medicine that makes you sleepy.

Can I take Kalms Day with other Medicine ?

This medicine contains sucrose, If you have been told by your doctor that you have intolerance to some sugars, consult with your doctor before taking this product. It is recommended you tell your doctor if you are taking or have recently taken any other medicines including those medicine obtained without a prescription.