
Product Details

Gina 10 Micrograms X 24 Vaginal Tablet's

Gina treats and relieves vaginal symptoms postmenopause; vaginal dryness, soreness, burning, itching and painful intercourse. Gina contains 10mcgs of estradiol.


Gina Treats And Relieves Vaginal Symptoms Postmenopause;

  • - Dryness,
  • - Soreness,
  • - Burning,
  • - Itching
  • - Painful Uncomfortable Sex/Intercourse
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Gina is used in treating one of the most common symptoms of menopause - vaginal atrophy or urogenital atrophy. Vaginal atrophy is a term used for when your vagina becomes dry, sore or itchy, and it can also make sex painful. Vaginal atrophy usually occurs when your oestrogen levels drop during menopause, thinning the tissue around your vagina. By taking Gina, you replace the oestrogen you’re missing to improve and get rid of your symptoms

Warning or Restrictions

Gina is for postmenopausal women aged 50 years and over who have not had a period for at least one year.