Product Detail

Product Details

Ezetrol - (Ezetimibe) Tablets

Ezetrol is an effective anticholesterol medication used to treat high serum levels of cholesterol. It contains the active ingredient Ezetimibe and is actually one of the more popular anticholesterol drugs around.
  • Lowers the amount of cholesterol your body absorbs
  • Prevents stroke and heart attack
  • Can be used alongside other high cholesterol medication
  • Genuine medication
  • All drugs sourced in the UK

Please note: a recent blood test is required to purchase this item or proof of a recent blood test, We can accept a proof of prescription from your GP within the last 3 months, we can also accept a screen shot of your NHS app

What counts as proof of a prescription?  Use the print out of your medication provided by your pharmacy when you collect your medication. Ask for a print out of your prescription, or patient summary print out from the surgery

For more information on the prescription medication patients should refer to the Ezetimibe patient information leaflet.