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Product Details

Breathe Right Nasal Strips Large Original Pack Of 30

Nasal congestion, also known as a blocked nose, can cause you to breathe through your mouth rather than your nose. This may lead to snoring and poor sleep for you and the partner. Breathe Right nasal strips gently open your nasal passages, allowing you to breathe easier. They can temporarily relieve nasal congestion and stuffiness that can be caused by allergies and colds. Each drug-free nasal strip is made up of flexible, spring-like bands that are placed across the nose to open the nasal passages. This allows for easier breathing.

What are the Breathe Right Nasal Strips and How Do They Work?

Breathe Right Nasal Strips, which are non-drug-based adhesive strips that have a unique reflex design, are known to immediately relieve congestion and reduce or eliminate the sound of snoring.

How does Breathe Right Nasal Strips function?

Breathe Right nasal strips are applied to your nose. They open your nasal passages gently, allowing you to inhale through your nose and not your mouth. This helps to relieve congestion, reduce or eliminate snoring, and allows you to breathe easier while you sleep.

You can choose from two sizes

Regular is the best option for adults, and it fits 75% adult noses.

For adults with larger noses, a large size is best.

Sleep better

The quality of our sleep at night can have a major impact on how we concentrate during the day. The impact on people who are regularly disturbed by snoring and congestion can be severe.

Millions of people use Breathe Right Nasal Strips to get a better night's rest. The drug-free, non-drug Breathe Right nasal strips open your nasal passages to allow you to breathe through your nose and not your mouth. This reduces snoring. You can feel better, breathe better, and sleep better. That's a huge relief.


Snoring can disrupt your sleep and your partner's sleep. This can lead to problems in your relationships. Around 80% of snoring partners sleep in separate bedrooms, and nearly 9 in 10 couples say that their relationship would be more harmonious if the snoring was stopped. You may feel tired the next day, and it can even impact your work performance.

Congestion in the nasal

It's not easy to live with a blocked nasal passage. It's not only difficult to breathe but also makes it difficult for you to sleep well. The next day, we feel tired and unmotivated. Also, sleep plays an important part in our recovery from illness.

People with allergies

Your blocked nose can cause problems with sleeping at night due to difficulty breathing. Nearly half of those suffering from allergies say that their ability to work and do other activities is affected by nasal congestion. A blocked nose can have a significant impact on your quality life.